Join our Colourtation Challenge

The Colourtation Challenge is simple… Can you colourtate everyday for 15 minutes?


Dr Stan’s brain science and peak performance research has shown that colouring-in for as little as 15 minutes each day has multiple positive benefits on your brain’s health, balance, and general wellbeing. 

Colouring-in is proven to reduce anxiety, improve your ability to focus, improve your quality of sleep and even improve your motor skills and vision.

Join our online community and keep each other motivated to colourtate everyday and feel the calming benefits of colouring-in on our brains! 


Post your illustration’s on Instagram or facebook and tag #colourtationchallenge remember there is no right or wrong way to colour in our designs, no right or wrong colours, and no right or wrong timeframe to complete your illustration. Just focus on the task of colouring-in and feel the calm.

Don’t know what colours to choose? Colour has been proven to affect your mood, and by choosing certain colours you can influence how you’re feeling.


Colourmind garden